Our mission is
to make our world more inclusive
What we do
We create + provide resources that help children (and grown ups, too) get comfortable around disability.
This includes:
Sparking open conversations about disability
Helping make those hard conversations easier
Sharing + celebrating media that normalizes disability
Helping disabled kids feel confident about who they are
Teaching non-disabled how to act around disability
Because if children grow up understanding disability and embracing each others' differences, our future will be more inclusive.
Because people with disabilities make up the world's largest minority group, yet they are often the least represented in society. In fact, nearly 1/4 of the US population is living with a disability today.
But due to lack of representation, hushed voices, and stigma, many non-disabled individuals don't know how to interact with and/or include them. (Hint: it's pretty much just like anyone else.)
Disability shouldn't be a source of discomfort. It should be celebrated. And that is why we're here.
The more we talk about disability, the more normalized these conversations become, and the more inclusive our world can be.
And if we start with kids, then they'll grow into some pretty awesome adults.
It all started with a cat.
You see, Maya has a chromosome abnormality. When we saw her adoption photo online, we fell in love. So we adopted her!
Her photo went semi-viral during the adoption process, and many people wanted to keep up with her story, so we started an Instagram for her — only expecting a few followers who would lose interest after a few weeks.
But her following just grew and grew. We started getting a lot of questions and comments, and found ourselves doing a LOT of educating.
So, we formalized it!
Now, it's a platform.
We are a proud platform for open dialogue, helping others have open dialogue, too.
Because more conversations mean more understanding, and more understanding is what our world needs most.
We are all worthy of being accepted and included.

Donate today
Support our mission with a one-time or monthly donation. It's tax-deductible, you can be certain that 100% of all funds raised goes straight to the cause.
No shady stuff. We promise. (Don't believe us? Ask us anything.)